Bettering Our Community, Together
The Southwestern Montana Family YMCA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit charitable organization. Through a variety of programs and services focused on the holistic development of children and youth, family strengthening, and health and well-being for all, the Southwestern Montana Family YMCA welcomes individuals of all ages, faiths, backgrounds, and income levels. In order to meet our goal of carrying out our mission of building a strong spirit, mind, and body for every person we serve, the Y depends on charitable giving. It is only through charitable gifts our Y will be able to meet the needs of all those we serve and to extend and deepen our reach into neighborhoods throughout Beaverhead County.
All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Your donations allow us to:
- keep our promise that no one is turned away from our programs or membership due to inability to pay
- provide financial assistance to children, adults, and families who otherwise would not be able to afford basic membership to the Y
- provide partial to full scholarships to children so they may participate in Y swimming, programs, sports, and camps
Give In-Kind
In-kind donations are donations of goods or services that are extremely valuable to our YMCA. In-kind donations can be made by individuals, organizations, or corporations. We gladly accept in-kind donations of program supplies, gently used program goods, meeting areas, field trip sites, and more.
Below is a short list of items we need at our Y:
Sports Equipment:
We kindly request donated equipment be new or in good condition.
We are looking for: soccer goals, soccer nets, soccer balls (size 3, 4 & 5), footballs (nerf, youth, and official size).
Child Watch:
We kindly request donated items be new or gently used.
We are looking for: diapers, books, educational toys and games.
After School Program/Summer Day Camp:
We kindly request all donated items be new or gently used.
We are looking for: playground/sand toys (trucks, buckets and pails, wagons, any toys that can be played with in the sand or on the playground for children age 5-12), sunscreen, picnic tables, card table and chairs.
Give Time
Some of the most important donors at the Southwestern Montana Family YMCA are people who give of their time and talents to enhance our many programs. Volunteers help in a variety of ways, including, serving on the board of directors, coaching sports teams, giving demonstrations at day camp or the after school program, and many other ways. Our volunteers have found that not only do they make a big difference in someone’s life, but their life is enriched by giving of themselves.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a volunteer at the Southwestern Montana Family YMCA, contact the reception desk at recpt-dillonymca@qwestoffice.net or call 683-9622.
Give Money
Your generous cash donation opens the doors for children, adults, seniors, and families who otherwise could not afford the cost of programs and membership to participate at the Y. Your support today is more important than ever before with 31% of our members utilizing some financial assistance. Your dollars help children learn to swim, spend the summer enjoying the many offerings of Y summer programs, attend the after school program, be part of a sports team and much more. They also help seniors who not only need the exercise they are receiving at the Y but who also need the companionship of others during morning coffee. You help strengthen families by giving them the opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle and learn the benefits of eating right and exercise. Your cash donation will help us continue to strength our community.